
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Mommy Brain and Miller Stub

Sooo I have been noticing some major issues with what I like to call "mommy brain" (although I've heard it called the much less flattering "pregnancy stupids", which sounds insulting but is actually pretty accurate). Aside from the whole wrecking-my-husband's-car-by-putting-it-into-reverse-instead-of-drive incident, which I'd rather not talk about, I forget things like the names of stuff ("Honey, what's that thing called that keeps our food cold? Right, a refrigerator!), I have about 20 different students assigned to remind me of different things throughout the day (i.e. what time we go to lunch), and yesterday on our professional development day during which the only thing I needed to bring was my laptop...I'll give you three guesses as to what I forgot, but the first two don't count. And from what I hear, it doesn't ever get any better! I used to be known as "the elephant that never forgets" in my family, but I guess what mom told me was true - girls take your beauty and boys take your brain.

I had a doctor's appointment today, and all is well with baby Ezra! He has a healthy heartbeat, and I'm still measuring right on schedule! Surprisingly my weight gain is right on schedule too, even with my massive holiday eating (I had myself convinced that I gained 20 pounds in 2 weeks from all of the goodies I consumed). And speaking of the holidays (which were lovely by the way) wouldn't you know that my stubborn little boy wouldn't let anyone feel him move the entire time we were with family? He's been moving so much lately I just knew that my whole family would get a chance to feel him kicking...but he chose that particular time period to kick toward the inside instead of the outside, making it nearly impossible to feel him move unless you sat with your hands all up on my belly all day (which one cousin said she would do). This made for a rough time in my bladder, let me tell you! There was one morning when he was kicking so hard you could watch my belly move, and of course my sister was in the shower, my dad was outside, and when I called my mom over to feel and she put her hand on my belly he immediately stopped. There is a rumor of a trait passed down from generation to generation on my mom's side of the family known as "the Miller stub"...apparently we're a stubborn people, although I refuse to admit that I am the least bit stubborn 😉...but I think somehow our son may have inherited this trait...must come from my husband...

1 comment:

  1. Has anyone ever explained WHY women get "pregnancy brain"? One of my best friends here referenced herself having it ALL THE TIME and has me super curious about the science behind the phenomenon. (And I obviously know NOTHING about pregnancy.)It would seriously take her 5 minutes to tell me a simple story because she would randomly forget names and words. It was funny, but I felt terrible for her because that must be so frustrating!
